Garford (Hong Kong) Ltd.

Accredited Agency

We have been serving the families in Hong Kong and the Filippino community with honesty and integrity from the very beginning which is why we are still in business 30 years and counting.

Garford means ‘Family Bliss Harmony’ in Chinese. And we are all about matching the right help to the family to create ‘Bliss Harmony’.

We achieve this through a simple process of understanding the needs of the different employers and seeking out suitable helpers that best fit the needs.

Our Quality says it all.

Give us a call TODAY & let us help you!


How We Can Help You

Contact Detail

Address: Room E, Floor 11, Shing Hing Commercial Building, 21-27 Wing Kut Street, Central,Hong Kong

Phone: +852-25227676

Time: 11:00 A to 6:00 A

Licence: 73437

Day Off: NO

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User Review

carmela c. barato - Helper

21 Apr 2024

Reliable agency

Rhodora T. Migar - Helper

02 Oct 2023

high quality

Elma Talusan - Helper

15 Sep 2022


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What is an Ethical Employment Agency?

What is an Ethical Employment Agency?

Treat helpers in a fair manner and help clients to hire great domestic helpers

Ethical Agency Practices