这个僱主已经找到合适的 Domestic Helper.

别担心,还有更多在Hong Kong的Domestic Helper工作正在招聘

Chinese family looking for helper - HK Side
Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Chinese family looking for helper - HK Side

Chinese | Family | 有 3 adults | 3 - 会员

已刊登: 1 yr. ago



Our family is looking for a full time domestic helper for a household of 3 adults. Requirements: - Attention to details. - Keep high standard of hygiene/cleanliness. - Good cooking skills. - Good tidying/organising skills. - Car washing. - Take elderly to parks daily. - Patience with elderly. - Proactive in communication. - Hard working. The employer - Need someone very patience and understanding. - High expectations of cleaniness/hygience. - Sometimes demanding.

