這個僱主已經找到合適的 Domestic Helper.

別擔心,還有更多在Hong Kong的Domestic Helper工作正在招聘。

Looking for Helper
Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Looking for Helper

Australian | Family | 有 Other

已刊登: 6 yr. ago



We are a house of 3 boys. Very simple and easygoing main duty’s will be house work and looking after our dog (mainly When we are not home). All three are pilots so the house is rarely full. We enjoy entertaining our friends and family. Just looking for someone to help keep the house tidy which we do a lot of anyhow. Cooking is not essential as all three of us are good in the kitchen and can teach if you would like to learn. We live in Sai Kung. Hoping to find someone ASAP.

