這個僱主已經找到合適的 外傭.


Domestic helper
Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Domestic helper

香港人 | 家庭 | 有 2個成人 + 2小孩 and pet | 4 - 會員

已刊登: 2 yr. ago



Hello there, we are british hkese family and  currently looking for a helper, who can assist us with household chores, taking care of kids (8 and 12 years old), one dog and cooking. We value below the most:- 

 • Communication is the main, as we hope to treat you as our family member with respect and make it a second home for you, we will do our best as an employer

 • Able to work, live and get along with our kids 

 • Able walk the dog once or twice a day

 • Main the house clean 

 • Honest and energetic 

Thank you very much! If you are interested, pls contact 

