這個僱主已經找到合適的 Domestic Helper.

別擔心,還有更多在Singapore的Domestic Helper工作正在招聘。

Malay muslim family looking for temporary indonesian helper
Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Malay muslim family looking for temporary indonesian helper

Singaporean | Family | 有 2 adults + 2 kids and pet | 4 - 會員

已刊登: 1 yr. ago



Hi we are a family of 2 adults and 2 children. Our helper is returning to indonesia and we are looking for a temporary live-in indonesian muslim helper, from end june to september 2023, to help with child care, cooking and cleaning. We have 3 cats. We can help you to look for another employer to continue working once your time with us ends.nbsp;


Kita keluarga melayu islam, ibubapa sama 2 kanak-kanak kecil. Pembantu kami akan pulang buat 2 bulan dan kami perlukan pembantu buat sementara ini (akhir june hingga akhir september 2023). Kerjanya termasuk menjaga kanak-kanak, membersih dan memasak. Kita juga ada 3 ekor kucing. Kita bisa bantu carikkan majikan lain bila masa kamu sama kami akhir.nbsp;

