Don't worry more jobs for Domestic Helper in Hong Kong are available.
Western | Family | with 2 adults + 3 kids
Posted: 7 yr. ago
We are an Irish family of 5; me, my husband, our 3 daughters; Eldest 18, who goes back to Ireland for university this summer, Middle who turns 4 in August and is in kindergarten every morning and Youngest who turns 3 in August and starts kindergarten in September. We are expecting baby number 4 in early November. Our current helper (M) is going to Canada this summer and she has been with us for almost 5 years. We are looking for a helper who would looks after the children and cook, clean and do food shopping and laundry. At the moment M is doing all of this but we understand with the addition of another little person in the mix it may be too much for one person. We are also aware that some people do not like working in a 2 helper household so we are open to ideas and what will make it work for everyone. M currently takes Sunday off and every public holiday, (both kinds). Sometimes we would ask her to work on a Sunday and she chooses whether she would like another day in lieu or to get paid for it. Please contact me if you would like to chat about the position. Take care