Don't worry more jobs for Domestic Helper in Hong Kong are available.
Chinese | Family | with 2 adults + 2 kids
Posted: 7 yr. ago
Friendly and Cheerful Hong Kong family, 2 Adults, 2 children, 1 small dog, and 1 car.
- Private room with AC
- Holiday can usually be taken on Sundays.
- Possible salary adjustment and/or bonus will be offered for good performance.
- At least 2 years Hong Kong experience
- Good English or Cantonese
- Finished contract or Terminated due to relocation/financial problems
- Ideal person would be Happy and Cheerful and loves to play with children and dogs. Willing to express herself and not shy to ask questions. Self motivated and able to perform household chores without supervision.
Job description: -
- Main responsibilities are household chores such as Cooking, Housekeeping, Laundry, Grocery shopping, Childcare, Walking the dog, and Occasional Car wash.