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Indian family with 3 year old child is looking for domestic helper
Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Indian family with 3 year old child is looking for domestic helper

Indian | Family | with 2 adults + 1 kid

Posted: 7 yr. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

We would like a friendly and caring person who can take care of our 3 year old and keep him trusted, loved and cared for environment and bring up with good manners and attitude. We expect to take care of basic housekeeping, cooking and child routine activities. We provide very comfortable home, treat as a family member ( since we would like our child to learn to respect and hence learn though that attitude) and are considerate. We are a simple family with both of us working full time and child well behaved and easy. We live in Tseung Kwan O. We eat all varieties of healthy food ( simple healthy cooking is good enough) but happy to teach a variety of dishes if interested as I am an enthusiast. We might have home dinners once in a month and we are very helpful and handful so that helper is not overwhelmed. We believe in giving the helper optimum rest and rejuvenation as we believe only then she will be able to raise a happy and healthy child.

Our current helper has worked with us for 3 years and is having to leave due to personal reason ( good reason....she is getting married). We will miss her but we are happy for her the occasion of her wedding.

Required Skills / Duties

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