American-born Chinese family seeking a helper
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Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

American-born Chinese family seeking a helper

American | Family | with 2 adults + 2 kids | 4 - Member

Posted: 4 wk. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

We are US citizens relocating to Hong Kong in August. We are a full-time working couple with two young kids: a 9-year-old daughter and a 7-year-old son. We will be living in a three-bedroom apartment in Causeway Bay. Our kids take a school bus nearby every day, so there's no need to cook lunch. We need someone to take the kids to afterschool activities and help with simple homework. Responsibilities also include washing, folding, and ironing our work clothes. There will be security cameras in the apartment except in the helper's private room and bathroom. We might hire a second helper, so you may need to live and work with them, but this is not certain yet. If one helper is sufficient, we will not hire another. Our family speaks native English and Mandarin. We will not loan money to the helper under any circumstances. As the management leaders in the company, we expect our helper to follow our requests diligently. Since we don’t have a Hong Kong address yet, We will apply for the helper as soon as we sign a rental apartment in Hong Kong. Then it may take some time for the helper to officially start working.

Required Skills / Duties

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