Happy Korean family looking for an auntie
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Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Happy Korean family looking for an auntie

Korean | Family | with 2 adults + 2 kids | 4 - Member

Posted: 1 wk. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

OUR BACKGROUND: We are a family of 4 people, comprised of a married couple and 2 girls (5 and 1). I am Korean and my husband is Chinese American, but we are both educated and lived in the US for a long time. We are working parents and I have frequent business travels. We also travel very often as a whole family depending on the kid's schedule. WHAT WE NEED: We need someone who MUST be excellent in COMMUNICATION in English, loving to our children and has a PASSION working as a helper with a good family. We also have a lovely young helper who has been with us for 1 year. She is very easygoing and nice and would be pleasant to work with Essential skills are an ability to take a good care of our children, show INITIATIVE and run our busy household INDEPENDENTLY that fit OUR LIFESTYLE. Cooking healthy asian food, western food, and bake. Getting organic and healthy produce. Keeping the house tidy and clean, detailed laundry and ironing. YOUR BENEFITS: - salary negotiable -food allowance, and occasional bonuses based on performance -savings program where we pay 25% interest to the amount you save every month and pay it at the end of a contract

Required Skills / Duties

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