Chinese Australian family looking for second auntie
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Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Chinese Australian family looking for second auntie

Australian | Family | with 2 adults + 2 kids | 4 - Member

Posted: 3 wk. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

We are full time working parents living in Mid Levels with a 2 yo and expecting a baby in October.

We currently employ one full time live in Auntie, and are looking for a second Auntie to join our family ahead of the arrival of our second child.

We are looking for someone honest and caring, ideally with experience in HK looking after newborns.

The primary job of the Auntie will be to look after the newborn.  You will also need help our current Auntie around the house with chores and look after our 2yo from time to time.  

It is important you are able to live with and work well with our current Auntie.

You may be required to do night shift for a few days during the week.

We are understanding and kind employers, and offer competitive pay and working conditions. 

In terms of accomodation, we will consider both live in and live out options.

We are looking for applicants who are in HK and who have finished contracts. 

Required Skills / Duties

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