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Secondary helper/babysitter
Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Secondary helper/babysitter

Chinese | Family | with 2 adults + 2 kids | 4 - Member

Posted: 2 年前

Job Requirement

Job Description

Location: Olympic StationLanguage: English. Knowing Chinese is a plus. Both Filipino and Indonesian are welcomed. You must be able to work independently to look after a newborn baby boy and a 4-year-old boy. Even though we have a helper already, you and she share the same work so that if either of you is on holiday, the other helper can cover all the work. Honesty is an essence. No money borrowing or lending is allowed. CCTVs in the flat except toilet so we can monitor the kids when we're out. No fixed holiday at the weekend. No mobile phone during work, but you can use it after work to keep in contact with your family. Base salary $5000 per month with potential $1000 extra if you perform well and meet our expectation from your trial and interview. This is assessed on a monthly basis.

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