Taiwanese-American looking for Helper immediately
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Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Taiwanese-American looking for Helper immediately

American | Family | with 2 adults + 2 kids and pet | 4 - Member

Posted: 2 wk. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

We've been in HK since 2011. Husband grew up in America; both husband/wife are Taiwanese ethnicity. Two kids: daughter 8 yrs old, son 5 yrs old. One friendly dog.

Both kids are full day school (by this September), which makes our Helper role easier. Bulk of the childcare is those few hours after school.

The husband takes care of almost everything for the dog. Husband walks the dog everyday. We just need help with the dog IF we are traveling. Just simple things such as walking dog, make sure he has food/water. Don't worry about this part too much.

Main duties are: (1) child care, (2) housework, (3) cooking (buying groceries). We will provide ample budget for marketing / grocery shopping. You can buy anything you'll want to eat during the week.

We treat our Helper like part of our family. We know it's a difficult task to be a good loving Helper. We often give extra rewards: including extra money or annual paid plane ticket back home.

Pls only apply if available in May/June latest. *Must be finished contract or relocation/financial issues to apply. 

Required Skills / Duties

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