Western family looking for 2nd helper
Very Active
Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Western family looking for 2nd helper

American | Family | with 2 adults + 3 kids | 5 - Member

Posted: 2 wk. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description


We are a Western family (American and Canadian) with three kids, ages: 8, 4, 2.  We currently have 1 live in helper and one nanny who works Monday-Friday 12-7pm.  The nanny cares for the 2 year old and cooks dinners Monday-Friday.  The live in helper brings our 4 year old to and from school and extra curricular activites Monday-Friday.  We are looking for a second helper to prepare lunch and dinner on Saturday/Sundays, cook lunches Monday-Friday, aid our current helper with house cleaning, laundry, ironing and help bringing children to and from extracurricular classes, play dates etc.  Our 8 year old and 4 year old both speak Mandarin so we prefer a helper that can speak Mandarin with our children.  You will alternate having Saturday/Sunday off with our current helper.  We prefer someone who will live in and share a room with our current helper. We live in Mid-Levels.  We would like someone who has a finished contract or ability to start before June 1st.  Please contact me if interested to know more.  Thank you.



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