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Indian family is hiring a Domestic Helper
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Indian family is hiring a Domestic Helper

Indian | Family | with 2 adults + 1 kid

Posted: 8 yr. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

We are an Indian family living in Hong Kong since 8 years. Prior moving to Hong Kong we were in the USA and UK. We are looking for an English speaking, full-time, live-in helper to take care of our 1 year old daughter and be a part of our happy home.

Main duties include taking care of a baby (playing, feeding, taking her to playgroup and park, reading, and nursing), managing household chores such as cooking vegetarian and western food, cleaning, laundry, ironing, marketing, etc. Work location will be on the Hong Kong Island side.

If you are experienced in caring children (and loves and enjoys being with children), have a finished contract, and have experience of working in Hong Kong,

Please get in touch with me on 9248 8178.

Required Skills / Duties

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