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Looking for independent helper at home!
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Looking for independent helper at home!

Malaysian | Family | with 1 adult + 1 kid and pet | 2 - Member

Posted: 1 mo. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

We are family of mother and 7 year-old boy (highly independent - just need to make sure he has food) and a cute dog staying in 2 bedroom condo.

We are highly flexible so long you complete the day-to-day task.

  1. Drop the boy school bus at 6.30am
  2. Pick up the boy from school bus at 2pm, sometimes 4pm
  3. Cook simple dinner (fried rice is his fav!)
  4. Spend time doing house chores, playing with the dog 
  5. Bring the boy to swim/gym in the condo


  1. No restriction on phone usage so long you are responsible and finish your task
  2. Feel free to rest while the boy is schooling after the house chores
  3. One rest day/week 
  4. Allowance for marketing/groceries
  5. SIM card provided

We expect you are highly independent as I am working mother with frequent travels. Feel free to arrange your own timetable so long you deliver!

Required Skills / Duties

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