Looking for Babysitter
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Looking for Babysitter

Filipino | Family | with 4 adults + 3 kids | 7 - Member

Posted: 2 wk. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

Hello, my name is Ameera. I'm a teacher. I have five kids one in high school the second and middle school and one of them is in elementary school and the other two are babies the one that you're gonna take care of them I want you to work for me a full-time job as a baby sitter. You are going to share your room with the home home-made. And you're just gonna take care of the two babies, nothing else. One is girl she's three years she's almost 3 years old and I have also a boy he's one year old your salary is going to be 1500 sr 

and you're not gonna share the room with the babies you have your own room with the home-made no housework You just gonna take care of the babies and their clothes their food And you're going to play with them if you're interested, text me and I'll give you more details

Required Skills / Duties

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