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Singaporean Malay family seeks helpers in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Singaporean Malay family seeks helpers in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Singaporean | Family | with 2 adults + 3 kids | 5 - Member

Posted: 11 mo. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

The main job is to assist with the care of children aged 3 and 2. There will be a newborn in November. The lady is staying at home and needs to take care of the child. Duties will include: - bathing the children and getting them ready for school - dropping them off at school on the compound during the school day - picking them up at the compound during the school day - babysitting the children - basic cleaning of the home using the cleaning supplies provided and Protection against dust and dirt Cleaning supplies - Laundry with modern washing machines - Some light cooking and support for ladies' kitchen work benefits - One day off per week (flexible) - Sponsored airfare and accommodation when traveling with employer's family on vacation or back to Singapore - If Muslim , the sponsored air ticket provides accommodation for the Umrah in Mecca and Medina only if it is done with the employer's family. - Provide food and room

Required Skills / Duties

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