Australian family of three looking with a 21 month old baby
Very Active
Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Australian family of three looking with a 21 month old baby

Australian | Family | with 2 adults + 1 kid | 3 - Member

Posted: 3 wk. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

Hi all,

My husband and I are looking for an exceptional helper to join our family. We are an Australian family with a beautiful 21 month old son.

Our son’s safety and care is paramount to us and therefore it is crucial that we find someone who is extremely experienced and confident in caring for young children and has references to back up this experience. 

Our family enjoys healthy and nutritious western meals and therefore it is also important that we find someone who enjoys and excels at cooking and baking.

Honesty, integrity, self sufficiency, proactively, trust and openness are all characteristics that are important to our family and therefore we are looking for a helper who shares in these values. 

It is important for us that our son is bought up in a happy and peaceful household in order for him to thrive therefore we are looking for a helper who can work with us to culture this environment. 

Location - River valley

Helper benefits

• own room and private bathroom

• ⁠Sundays and public holidays off

We look forward to finding an amazing helper to join our family. If you believe you would work well with us please contact me to arrange an interview.

Please note - interviews need to be accompanied by references 😀

Required Skills / Duties

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