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Looking for a second helper to join our family
Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Looking for a second helper to join our family

Indian | Family | with 2 adults + 2 kids | 4 - Member

Posted: 2 yr. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

About our family

  • 2 adults, 2 small children (2.5 years and 6.5 months old)
  • Overseas Indian, we have lived in the UK, Denmark, and Singapore for the past 18 years. Our house is run like any other expat household and we eat mixed food, mostly western or Mediterranean. No dietary restrictions and you can cook / eat anything you like.
  • Husband and wife work full time
  • 4 bedroom condo in River Valley
  • Love house plants, no pets
  • We have one Filipino helper already, she joined us when our first child was born (~2.5 years ago). Now that we have a second baby and hectic work travel for the couple, we are looking for a second helper to join our family.
  • Friendly and respectful (our helper is family to us), particular about work ethic, work quality and honesty.

What we are looking for

  • Age: 35 to 45
  • Nationality: Filipino preferred (as our current helper is Filipino)
  • Must have reliable and good track record of employment history in Singapore (renewed contracts and strong references are a must)
  • Must have experience with expat families
  • Past experience with small children, should be passionate about childcare and engaging kids, be able to independently manage their play dates and activities
  • Good cooking and baking skills (keen interest for cooking with past experience in weekly menu/meal planning, healthy recipes and a variety of options/cuisines for children)
  • Proactive about cleaning and should enjoy organizing and tidying up the house to a high degree of perfection
  • A green thumb / love for gardening and plants would be a huge plus!
  • Ability to communicate effectively in English
  • Must be comfortable working with and sharing a room and bathroom with our current helper
  • Must be in Singapore already with a transfer/release date in June

What we will offer

  • Very respectful and positive family environment. Any one who joins us will be well taken care of and well respected.
  • Competitive salary & bonus: $750-850 based on experience and interview
  • Weekly off day (must be willing to alternate between Sunday and another day of their choice)
  • Public holidays as discussed and mutually agreed
  • Occasional opportunity to travel overseas with the family
  • No dietary / cooking restrictions, we will pay for your groceries and food. You can eat anything you like - what is cooked for the family or any food of your choice.
  • It's most important for us that you eat well and rest well.

My husband and I are in very hectic jobs with a lot of travel coming up. Our kids are very young (2.5 years old and 6.5 months old) with a small age gap so both need attention. So we are hoping to have 2 helpers to balance the workload and ensure proper rest for both. We had 1 helper join us when our first baby was born (~2.5 years ago) and are looking for another wonderful helper to join our family now that our second baby is 6 months old and I’m returning to work this week. It can get a lot for one person to manage 2 very small kids with different schedules/play dates/activities, cooking, housekeeping, laundry, etc so we think 2 helpers together can manage better so that both can be comfortable and share the workload. 

Our current helper is a lovely Filipino lady. She is no-drama and wants a healthy working relationship and a positive partnership without any conflict. It will be our top priority to ensure that both helpers feel equally comfortable and at home with our family. 

In terms of duties & expectations, we’d like one helper to take care of one child’s schedule each and divide the rest of the chores/housekeeping/cooking based on their strengths and interests. We will clearly define their roles at the outset based on the interview.

Required Skills / Duties

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