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Young family looking for help with baby
Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Young family looking for help with baby

Indonesian | Family | with 2 adults + 1 kid | 3 - Member

Posted: 3 yr. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

Hello, we are a family of 3 looking for a helper to join our family. (halo, kami keluarga muda Indonesia mencari helper untuk membantu kami)


Task (tugas) :

Take care of newborn (5 months old) - merawat bayi (5 bulan)

General housekeeping and cooking. - merawat rumah dan memasak


Salary and leave days negotiable. - gaji dan hari libur bisa didiskusikan


Prefer Indonesian transfer helpers in Singapore able to join by mid Jan-22. - mencari transfer helper Indonesia di Singapura yang bisa mulai kerja pertengahan Januari.


Do PM me if interested or have any questions - hubungi kami bila berminat atau ada pertanyaan.


Thank you.

Required Skills / Duties

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