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Very Active



(30 Years)

Female | Married | 1 Kid | Filipino | Christian

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About Me

My name is Marilou. I'm 30 years old, married with 1 child. I'm from the Philippines. I've been working as a domestic helper for 7 years here in Hong Kong.

-My previous employer Canadian-Chinese:

Taking care of 2 child 1yrs old and 2.5months old girl.My main duty is to play with them, bring them to the play dates, Cooking and marketing. I've been work for 5 years.

Reason for leaving- They relocate to canada

-2 years with my current employers and I am serving 1 elderly. My main duties are taking care of elderly, help him to take a shower, get blood pressure, cooking, and marketing.

 My contract will finish on June 9, 2024. I'm looking for a new employer who will allow me to visit my family when I get my visa.


I am looking for an employer take care children and pets. My strong point is I'm good for cooking specially Chinese food and I can communicate well with my employer and can manage my time well. I'm also willing to learn more as per my employer's request.


If you hire me, I can assure you that I will take good care of your family and I can be trusted.


I am looking forward to seeing you soon. Thank you and God bless!

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