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Mary cris genn
Mary cris genn

Mary cris genn

(32 Years)

Female | Single | 2 Kids | Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

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About Me

My name is Mary Cris Genn, I worked in Hongkong for 6 years. I am 32 years old a single mother of two daughters. My hobbies are hiking  biking, boxing a lot more sports activities. I am honest, trustworthy, enthusiastic, friendly, and cheerful. I cook asian &western foods  Currently, I'm in the Philippines taking care of my kids and looking for work abroad again. I like to take care kids doing some fun activities and teaching them to do their homework walking with them on their vacant time willing to learn more. I hope maam sir you give me a chance to be interviewed. KEEP SAFE ALWAYS & GOD BLESS YOU.

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