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Find Domestic Helper


(36 Years)

Female | Single | 1 Kid | Filipino | Christian

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About Me

I enjoy looking after kids for I believe that I have passion in taking good care of children. I appreciate also being a homemaker, helping the family with their day to day life, handling weekly budgets, do marketing, helping the children also arrange their things.Although I am a nurse, but due to having a tough life and strict competition back then in the Philippines, I decided to work as helper here mainly to provide for my family especially my child, and now I learned to appreciate more this noble job. I can say I am a hardworking person, willing to learn more, able to work under pressure, dynamic. Honest person, although sometimes I prefer to keep silent but I am learning and pushing myself to be more open and to express my ideas and thoughts especially if it's for the betterment of all. Working to 1 employer for 8 years and 6 months is somewhat I considered as an achievement, but I believe I still have room for improvement and every family is different, so I am definitely looking forward to new learnings and to expand more my knowledge and improve my skills even more. Thank you.

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