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Ellyn Joy
Ellyn Joy

Ellyn Joy

(28 Years)

Female | Single | No Kids | Filipino | Catholic

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About Me

Hello, Good day, since I was started my high school I am a working student, after I graduated my high school I decided to look for another job, I've been working as yaya here in my hometown for almost a year, after that since I need to provide a little help to my family i look for another job, but then I talk my boss properly before I leave, then for my 2nd job I work there for almost 5 years as being sales lady, cashier, checker an all around worker until I decide to continue my college after 5 years of working, but then I continue to work there on my vacation and holidays even on pandemic. In this experience of mine, I can say that i am a hard working and independent person, with patience in life. 

Thank you! 

Looking forward for your update. God Bless.

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