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Frelyn Joy
Frelyn Joy

Frelyn Joy

(33 Years)

Female | Single | No Kids | Filipino | Christian

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

I am Frelyn Joy, an ex abroad from SG for 4 years, I finished 2 contracts with 1 employer. I took care of 1 year old and 10 months little boy when I arrived in Singapore.  After my 1 yr. stay in the family the kid was diagnosed with leukemia and I'm taking care of him, bringing hin to his appointments, giving him the right medicine. I also do the household chores and tutor the kid since he cannot go school for 2 years.  I send and pick him from school. After 4 years, I decided to go home and I went to schooling for 6 months  I studied and undergo training for Tesda Caregiving NC2.  I can give you the number of my previous employer for clarification.

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