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(45 Years)

Female | Married | 2 Kids | Filipino | Christian

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About Me

Hello, I'm Leticia, and I will be 45 years old on January 9, 2023. I am married and a mother of two children. I am hardworking and capable of working independently without supervision. My experience as a Domestic Helper spans over 6 years, including a stint from 2016 to 2018 in Saudi Arabia, and more than 4 years in Hong Kong. My responsibilities included taking care of children, cleaning, marketing, washing, and cooking.

Recently, I experienced a break in my contract due to an inability to return to Hong Kong after a vacation, owing to some family issues. However, now that these issues have been resolved, I am ready to reapply and resume my work as a Domestic Helper. I promise to do my best if you can give me chance to work again. Thank you for your kind and understanding.

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