Lovely Gay

Very Active

Lovely Gay

Lovely Gay

(31 Years)

Female | Married | 2 Kids | Filipino | Christian

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About Me

Good day mam/sir, I am lovely gay, 31 years old, living in Philippines. My highest educational attainment is high school graduate. I am already married, i have 2 beautiful children, i have 1 daughter the age is 12 and 1 son the age is 4. This is my first time work abroad but i have a caregiver and domestic helper experience here in the philippines. I want to work to provide my family needs and my children education. To my future employer please choose me as your house maid i will do my best for my job and i will follow your rules and regulations. I am the honest person, respectful, trustworthy, flexible and caring. I promise to be a good employee and looking forward with you as soon as possible, Thank you and Best Regards. 

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