
Very Active



(37 Years)

Female | Single | 2 Kids | Filipino | Christian

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

I'm Melanie, 37 years old, former Domestic Helper in Hong kong since 2018 to 2022 and also in Saudi Arabia last May 2015 to 2017.

My job responsibilities are taking care of kids, assist them for their needs, cleaning the entire home daily, marketing, cooking simple food and also taking care of pets like cats. Sometimes I do washed a car. I do washing and ironing clothes. I love kids and cats.

For now, I'm here in the Philippines because after my two contracts as a Domestic in Hong Kong, I went back home and just took a rest for a while, but now I'm willing to work again anytime. I am willing to do an interview anytime.
Thank you so much.

Work Experience


My Expectations

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