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Novelyn Cardinez
Novelyn Cardinez

Novelyn Cardinez

(36 Years)

Female | Single | 2 Kids | Filipino | Catholic

Professional Info

Skills / Duties

About Me

I worked in Kuwait for 2 years as a helper, year 2012-2014, taking good care of 2 kids age of 3 and 4, my main job is cleaning the house and cooking . By the year 2015 -2021, I worked in Hong kong as a helper, Chinese family of 4, my main job taking good care of the kids and do household chores sometimes I went to market and sometimes I do washing car and i don’t cooked often. 2021-2023, I joined another family of 4, they are Taiwanese my job is to take care of their kids, arrange playdate for the kids, cooking, marketing and do household chores. I can cook some Chinese, Taiwanese and Asian food. I am attentive in every task ,easy learner and willing to learn. Time management, neat and I am trustworthy, honest and kind . Thank you and have a bountiful day ahead to every employer.

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