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(38 Years)

Female | Widowed | 4 Kids | Filipino | Catholic

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About Me

Good Day 
Im Rocelyn Dechavez 38 yrs old widowed i have 4 children 3boys end 1 girl,the age is 19/16/13/02 yrs old,i live in mauban,Quezon Philippines,My Mother name is Rosita Deluna 69 yrs old ens my fathers name is Cesar Deluna 82 yrs old.
My expirience in Singapore as a house hold worker i do house hold chores,General cleaning,ironing,doing loundry,washing car,gardening ,my main duty is a taking care na bedridden patient,
End my Second employer in Qatar as a house hold worker,General cleaning mostly,ironing,doing loundry,cooking,end also taking care the baby,
Here in the philippines as a house hold worker,general cleaning ironing doing loundry ang taking care the diasable patient,
I am trustworthy hardworking,dedicated willing to learn the task given,
I hope you to hired me as a helper im promise you that im finishing my contract end im work with you as long as you nedd me

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