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(33 Years)

Female | Single | 1 Kid | Filipino | Christian

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About Me

Have a good day madam and sir, I am Roselind. I am 33 years old, a single mom of 7 years old daughter. I have been working abroad for almost 8 years. I am an easygoing person, strong, honest and willing to learn more things.i am fully vaccinated with phizer...

My first experience in working abroad is in middle east Qatar, taking care of children ages 3 & 5 years old, cleaning the house. I have been working there for almost 2years& 4months.

My second experience is in hong kong for 2 elderly. My chores is cleaning the house, car washing, gardening, cooking (finished contract 2 years).

My third experience was taking care children, cooking, cleaning  tutoring. Finished contract. My third employer is cleaning, marketing, car washing. I began working for 1&8 months. I break my contract  due to emergency I need to go back home.

Currently, I am in the philippines. I am the bread winner if the family and I need to support my daughter and also my mother. Thank you, GOD BLESS.

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