An Ultimate Guide to PEOS and PDOS for Filipino Workers

An Ultimate Guide to PEOS and PDOS for Filipino Workers


04 May 2021 | 5 min read

Are you planning on working or studying abroad? Or maybe you want to become an Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW)? Or are you an individual wanting to start over in a new country completely? Fantastic! Now that we’ve got that straight, let's discuss the Pre-Employment Orientation Seminar and Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar; don’t stress over them too much! We’ve compiled an ultimate guide to acquiring these two certifications.

Now, you must be thinking? Are PEOS and PDOS necessary or a waste of time? To be honest, they are absolutely essential! PEOS is the beginning of your plan to move overseas, and PDOS is the end, after which you will be ready to start your new life in a new country!

Importance of PEOS and PDOS

It’s no secret that the Philippines has the most significant number of migrant workers. With such a great number, there is bound to be a few hiccups, namely:

  • confused individuals
  • lack of knowledge
  • illegal recruitment

These reasons are among the many reasons PEOS, and PDOS have been made compulsory by the Philippines Overseas Employment Administration.

PEOS initially started as an introductory course for potential Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) to educate them about the know-how of careers overseas.

Later, it was made mandatory with the prime aim of eliminating illegal recruitment.

PDOS, on the other hand, is absolutely important, especially for first-time workers. It guides them comprehensively through the details of preparing for their big move.

How to Receive Your PEOS Certificate?

Technology has made PEOS accessible to all prospective Filipinos. Gone are the days of tiresome appointments and waiting; PEOSs are now easily available wherever you are.

The PEOS consists of eight modules, each taking about seven to eight minutes to complete. It is truly fascinating how a sixty-minute seminar can guide you into taking the correct steps toward your dreams.

PEOS certificate for filipino

They can be taken absolutely free of cost from the comfort of your home and are increasingly informative. There is no reason not to take PEOS.

Even if you have no plans of going abroad, there is nothing wrong with gaining extra knowledge.

Each module contains a short presentation explaining different subjects. The application process for taking PEOS is outlined below!

Taking PEOS Online

The seminar can be taken on a phone or computer, whichever is convenient. A stable internet connection is recommended to minimize the time required!

  1. Go to POEA Online Services to get started.
  2. Register with your correct information.
  3. Complete all modules.
  4. Take the Modular Assessment Test before moving on to the next module to ensure the previous module is completely clear.
  5. An email containing the test results will be delivered to the applicant along with a Certificate of Completion. 6. Print out the Certificate to submit along with your documents.

Completing Your Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar

The PDOS is the last step to complete before you are ready to take off to another country. The Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar is a six-hour-long seminar consisting of multiple topics, which are as follows:

  • Migration realities • Destination country profile
  • Employment contract
  • Health and Safety
  • Financial literacy
  • Available government programs/services for OFWs
  • Tips and tricks for Travel procedures.

These topics are essential as they help OFWs better understand how to prepare for their departure and stay.

PDOS seminar for Filipino OFW

An online appointment needs to be made. This appointment is mainly to check whether you are exempt from PDOS. If not, you may set the time and date for your PDOS seminar.

Requirements of PDOS Certificate

There is no need to submit ID photos or photocopies of any registration document. You need the following:

  1. Original valid passport
  2. Original valid visa
  3. One valid identification card with a photograph
  4. Payment of a registration fee of Php 400.
  5. Attendance in the PDOS session
  6. Originals of the country-specific documents as follows:
  • Immigrant Data Summary for US-bound emigrants (except for K visa holders)
  • Confirmation of Permanent Residence for Canada-bound emigrants
  • Nulla Osta for Italy-bound emigrants
  • Certificate of Eligibility of Japan-bound emigrants
  • Visa Grant Notifications for Australia-bound Emigrants
  • Letter of approval for Work to Residence visa for New Zealand-bound emigrants

After the seminar, you are handed a Certificate of Completion, and you’re done! You need to submit this with all your other documents to the POEA for processing.

Do keep this document safe, as it is even required at the airport!


Now that you know the requirements and process for these certificates, we wish you the best of luck in your aspirations! For more information on PEOS, visit this site or click here for Filipino Emigrants to the United States of America. We hope this blog was helpful and wish you the best of luck!