How To Treat Domestic Helpers With Respect

How To Treat Domestic Helpers With Respect


08 Apr 2021 | 5 min read

It won't be wrong If we say, most often, powerful and authoritative people disrespect their subordinates and treat them in a sub-human manner. Relatable? According to Harvard Business Review, over 56 percent of people claim that they regularly get disrespected by their executives in offices, and do you know, this ratio is much more in the case of domestic helpers.

Most housekeepers don’t bother that their house helpers are also human beings who need to be treated with equal dignity, nobility, and pride. When the self-respect of a maid is constantly eroded, she is unable to perform well, she loses her motivation and starts resenting her superiors; the same case is with males. Thereby, we should acknowledge that our housemaids are human beings with the same requirements as housekeepers; they need to be praised and appreciated to perform well. Undoubtedly, the pain of dejection and demotivation is horrendous!

So, are you wondering what you should do in this scenario? Do you want to know how you can become a good domestic helper? How can you manage house helpers and reduce the ratio of their protests and sit-ins? Are you longing for what the right way to treat the maids with respect is?

Great! Scroll down to explore the answer to your queries, but before plunging straight on the solution, let's figure out how cruelly those innocent souls are being threatened overall.

Domestic Helpers’ Problems- Explore How They Are Mistreated

According to the Philippines Government, from their 10 million overseas, the one-third proportion is of women, who do domestic work and care for the families of wealthier people, but in return remain under-paid or unrewarded. If we turn our attention towards Indonesian migrant domestic workers, the situation is worse.

Many families don’t like to share their house and food with their domestic workers; indeed, the workers who take care of their house remain deprived. Drastic! Have a look at the main jobs of Indonesian migrants!

Migrant workers from Indonesia

Migrants are mistreated in the following ways!

  • Getting low wages
  • Physical abuse
  • Long working hours
  • Illegal recruitment
  • Being excluded from legal protection
  • Locked into jail for uncommitted crimes
  • Shrinking the value of the Philippine peso

Sadly, the list doesn't finish here, and there are many family issues that the Philippines and Indonesian face.

Now, time to head to the most-awaited and integral point: how to respect domestic helpers? Of course, they deserved to be respected; hence, let’s begin cracking.

How To Behave With Domestic Workers

It is a simple rule to treat your maids the way you want to be threatened by your boss or high-authorities; give them whatever you demand yourself.

Let's dig deep to make things more comprehensive.

1) Treat Your Maid With Respect

It is against nature to disrespect the workers, talk impolitely, still desiring them to work at the maximum level. One compliment and a gentle pat on your maid's back will cast magical wonders on her; her motivational level will go high up the skies.

Certainly, no need to compromise on the work quality; still, you are supposed to call her respectfully by her name, address her like a family member, take care of her basic needs, give her the food that you eat, and let her live at a cozy place; be gentle to her as she has left her family to serve you. Instead of shouting, reprimanding, or condescending, set some obvious rules, and give her sufficient time for adjustment.

Your courtesy mutually benefited, as your use of please, sorry, thanks will represent how big heart you contain and how educated and mannerable you are; meanwhile, your courtesy will be instilled in your kids.

2) Be Kind And Compassionate

Kindness creates goodwill in people, and it never goes unrewarded. Try to owe your maids with compassion and kindness as it is essential to forging a strong relationship.

Talk calmly yet firmly, as it is a brilliant way to address the subordinate, make your maid realize that her substandard work will not be acceptable at all. But keep in mind, maids have problems too, and they fall ill, get accidents, face misfortune tho; hence, be aware of her situation, be compassionate and keep helping her.

Your pennies can not balance her hard work and dedicated time!

3) Ensure The Maid Is Not Overworked

It is a fact that you hire your maid to reduce your domestic burden, but don't pile too much work as she needs to look after her family too. Paying someone doesn't mean you are buying them; if you can't handle all your domestic chores, don't expect that poor soul to do so.

Overwork and burden can make your maid sick, or there are possibilities she will leave the job, and eventually, you and your domestic work will be affected. There is a straightforward solution, hire more maids or divide the duties by assigning certain domestic tasks.

4) Communicate Appropriately

Communicate your house helpers very clearly as it is a key to professionalism. Be clear yet precise in your instructions, communicate with her appropriately, and assign her the tasks priorly. Communicate with your workers and ask them about their family members and ask some essential details, so you could help them when the need arises.

5) Develop Trust

Whether you have a part-time helper or a full time, develop a degree of trust between you and your maid. It never means to trust her blindly, but treat her well and let her know that you trust her like other members of the house; in this way, she will be happy and satisfied.

6) Appreciate On Her Hard Work

Appreciation is a token, and your few words are enough to buck the workers up and to make their day. The encouragement can also be demonstrated through gestures, monetary bonuses, or presets.

Your every little action may be giving her a day off from her daily routine as it will elevate your domestic helper's morale.

Domestic Workers & Our Takeaway

Domestic helpers make our life heaven by assisting us in all possible ways! It is integral to tend approval, admiration, and consideration towards your domestic staff as it ensures a strong bond of trust and loyalty towards you. Your domestic helpers are your strength, give them respect and a chance to rest, make the relationship best.