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Chinese Family looking for Friday off helper
Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

Chinese Family looking for Friday off helper

Chinese | Family | with 3 adults + 3 kids

Posted: 4 ċı´ċ‰

Job Requirement

Job Description

Big family looking for 3 helpers working for 3 separate families

1. Western Chinese family with one new born baby and two dogs
- have to co-work with another helper (baby's care giver) in the family
- main duties: house work, carwash, simple cooking, dogs walking
- helper co-share room with another helper
- holiday: Friday / Saturday

2. Chinese family with 1 kid 1 baby, 1 old dog
- have to co-work with another Filipino helper
- 6 year old boy and 1 year old girl
- main duties: tutoring year 2 kid, housework, carwash, cooking, dog walking, gardening
- big house with 6 rooms
- helper co-share room with another helper
- Holiday: Friday

3. Chinese elderly family with one son in Canada and 2 dogs
- have to co-work with house manager and a Filipino driver
- main duties: housework, cooking, dog walking, gardening
- big house with 5 rooms
- helper co-share room with another helper
- Holiday: Friday

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