A young working couple family with separate room
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Trustworthy helper,maid & drivers hiring

A young working couple family with separate room

Chinese | Family | with 2 adults | 2 - Member

Posted: 1 wk. ago

Job Requirement

Job Description

544 feet of the apartment in TKO station Responsibilities: Prepare meals and handle house chores for a household of two people. Good cooking skills are preferred, and willingness to learn and improve culinary abilities is appreciated. Childcare: Within the next two years, there is a possibility of having a child, so hope you have experiences in taking care of newborns. Willingness to assist with childcare duties when the need arises. Before we have kids, we can allow half day off everyday under mutual agreement. Workload and Compensation: The workload is expected to be reasonable, please feel free to rest as long as the required work is completed. The starting salary will be approximately 4800 HKD. Good performance or an increased workload after the arrival of a newborn may lead to a salary increase or bonus. Holidays and Flexibility: You are entitled to have either Saturday or Sunday off, with no work required. Flexibility is appreciated to accommodate occasional changes to the designated day off for special occasions. Such instances will be infrequent, and your flexibility will be highly valued. During holidays, it is expected that you return home before 10 pm, as the household prefers to sleep early. It is essential to refrain from excessive alcohol consumption, ensuring no hangover or drunkenness during working hours or holidays.

Required Skills / Duties

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