Find Domestic Helpers & Maids in United Arab Emirates

A few thousand of Domestic Helpers are working in the United Arab Emirates. A high proportion of households in Dubai and Abu Dhabi are employing the services of full-time domestic workers to take care of their families. HelperPlace is an online platform that easily connects workers and employers. In a few seconds, browse and message the right candidate for your family!

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5 Tips to successfully hire a maid in the United Arab Emirates

Did you know there are certain rules that you need to follow in order to hire a maid in UAE? Well, itโ€™s true! If you are looking to sponsor a maid or nanny in UAE, you can only choose one from India, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesia, or Ethiopia. Moreover, to be eligible as a sponsor for the maid, you must be a male head of a family with a minimum monthly income of AED 6,000, as bachelors are not eligible for sponsorship. Take a look at the following tips that can help you successfully hire a maid in UAE.

1. Minimum Wages & Age

Make sure that you are following the country specific regulations for minimum wages and age of your maid. For instance, an Indian maid in UAE must be between 30-60 years, with a minimum wage of AED 1,100.

2. GDRFA Approval

Secondly, ensure you have GDRFAโ€™s approval for a maid who belongs to your country.

3. Visa Renewal

Thirdly, you must know that renewing your maidโ€™s visa in the United Arab Emirates is an annual process which must be strictly followed.

4. Visa Cancellation

Fourthly, if, in any case, you have to get your maidโ€™s visa canceled for any reason, it must be done at the airport or through GDRFA.

5. Medical Fitness Test

Lastly, to successfully hire a maid in the United Arab Emirates, you will also be required to take her for a medical fitness test. In the United Arab Emirates and mostly in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, a lot of families are hiring domestic workers in order to take care of children, manage household chores, and cook. HelperPlace has listed for you a lot of qualified candidates with experience (Housekeepers, nannies, drivers, caregivers, and cooking skillsโ€ฆ).

Are you currently looking for a domestic helper in the United Arab Emirates? Do you want to hire a new housemaid for your family? You can now connect and interview available helpers close to you! Donโ€™t forget to post a job ad on HelperPlace, you will get more chances to connect and interview your future helper. 


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